Sunday, February 6, 2011

Fincher Wants Breasts All over teh Intern3tz

I'm pretty set on thinking that David Fincher can do whatever he wants. Seriously, this guy has made some of the most badass movies of all time. His first movie was an Alien sequel, and whether or not that movie is good is irrelevant. He's had an impressive career, which is about to be solidified when he wins best director for Social Network (moments before it nabs BP). He's also the guy, and I have to say this, that killed my father and robbed him of his two California gold pieces he kept in his trouser pant could have stolen Daniel Craig from doing the next Bond. It's all worked out now, thank Shiva, but still. I need Bond back like Disco.
side note- the next Bond gets better and better every day and it's not just about having Craig and Mendes. They signed back on Dame Judy, and that's great, but that was to be expected- now they're talking about getting Javier Bardem and Ralph Fiennes as unnamed roles. Um, can you say No Country hairstyles all around? YESPLZ
Anyway, Finch can do whatever he wants, and now he's testing the strength of that tether by asking the studio behind his stateside remake of The Millenium Trilogy if he can use a topless photo of Rooney Mara as the international release poster. Uh, that's fine by me, don't get me wrong, I would actually pay for that poster (this coming from a guy who regularly steals from gift shop kiosks, like, every time he goes out), but in all seriousness it's not going to happen. He says in that case he'll release it on tehinternet simply for viral purposes. Fincher has serious balls to ask his studio if he can do that. Not even Jimmy Cameron could get away with that. Mainly because he'd be too busy staring at the poster and giggling 'Hehe, tits!'
Also, Rooney Mara is incredibly attractive to me, especially in Social Network,
it's funny, though. The first scene she is in she looks like a nerdy little college freshman, but literally five minutes later she looks 4 years older. Anybody care to explain that to me? Maybe it's just me. Is anybody there? Hello? Hel- oh, hai Garrett Storm.
but the way her eyebrows look in the pre-shoot pics of Dragon Tattoo makes me think Fincher is planning another Alien movie he's not telling us about.

Look, Rooney, we know how excited you are about the naked photoshoot, but WE'RE TRYING TO DO OUR JOBS.

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